Font Management

It's the bane of anyone who's ever tried to create a presentable document. How on earth can we get fonts to behave themselves?

Font management has been a problem since we began pounding out print with Aldus PageMaker decades ago. Solutions have come and gone, but we're still missing an easy, sensible way to handle them.

Our options, however, have gotten better. Font management software enables you to track, enable, disable, and coordinate fonts. Mac users are probably familiar with the built-in Font Book, which has been enhanced in Leopard, the latest version of Mac OS X. If you're looking for more oomph, try Extensis Suitcase or Font Agent for Mac. Windows users, give Font Agent for Windows or the free Font Explorer a try.

How do you manage fonts? Click on Comments below to discuss. Next month I'll spill some of the secrets of great page design in Primp Your PDFs.

Posted byTriona Guidry at 7:28 PM  


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